School has been a little stressful and tough, but I'm finally getting back on track. I must say, the professors here at Loma are really just wanting us to succeed. I have been absolutely blessed with amazing profs who are truly supportive.
Life has been on a pretty hectic path full of ups and downs. I've been hit with some pretty heavy stuff in the past few weeks, but I'm glad to say that I've persevered through. God is good!
Work has been great, I love my job and the people I work with. Now for some fun stuff!! STEAL THE SCENERY!
Steal The Scenery is a local San Diego band that's on its way to stardom. Of course I'm a tad bias because I have a pretty close friend in the band; however, I've voiced that I no longer acknowledge that my friend is in this band because I've become pretty obsessed with the music haha. Steal The Scenery will forever mark my second semester here at Loma. They are constantly playing in my room, car, and Ipod. Though their CD is remarkable, seeing them live is AWESOME. I really encourage everyone to check them out, I've already gathered a handful new fans who have fallen in love with the band and I'm confident that my readers will too ;)
Steal The Scenery has definitely become my 'go to' CD. Like I said earlier, life has hit me with some pretty tough stuff, but their songs can always put a smile on my face.
I feel like life has been so busy... here are snapshots of the last few weeks!!
-Hiking Stonewall, Spring Break, Family, Steal The Scenery!