I can't even explain how much God worked in my life just over the week. From giving me the courage to speak during campus hour to blessing me with amazing new friends and strengthening the bonds I've already made!
The message was quite simple, step outside of your comfort zone and share your faith, befriend someone you would typically pass by, and be a shining light for Christ.
This year was full of beautiful and authentic worship and messages that made me think, made me contemplate my actions, and that began to mold me. It was an amazing year of teams for me (yeahhhhh Kings and Queens!) Of course Kajaba has always been a high light.. but playing it with such an awesome team just made it that much better... and the mud pit was FOR SURE a plus!
There was so much passion and life spread through camp... now that we're gone I know that this is more than just a camp high... It's a new way of life! This year was an amazing experience... and after seven years... I went out with a bang!
Here I come LOMA!!
Pictures from the week!

Senior Grads!! whooo!

Kings and Queens!

Normal reaction... to EVERYTHING!

OneGirl... Jessica!


Hahaha I don't even know!

Kings and Queens!!! - We Dominate!

Coolest girls EVER!


Human Foosball

Sugarpine 09 so fine! hahah

White Teal San Diego 1st!!
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